Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How to treat Back acne?

Your face isn't the only place that acne can develop, it can actually develop in any part of the body that has oil-secureting glands or hair follicles, including back, chest and shoulders. Back acne most commonly referred to as "bacne" can be very troublesome.

While 92 percent of people suffer from facial acne, the 62 percent has back acne and even chest acne.
Having acne on your back and chest is a sign that your acne is more likely to be severe.
Your back, like your face, has numerous sebaceous glands that secrete sebum, an oily substance. Sebum, along with dead skin cells and bacteria, can build up in the hair follicles on your back and clog them. A clogged follicle eventually breaks down and forms an acne lesion.

Types of Back Acne

The types of acne lesions that can occur on your back include:

  • Whiteheads. Whiteheads, also referred to as closed comedones, develop when a plugged follicle stays closed and underneath your skin, forming a white bump.
  • Blackheads. When a plugged follicle is located on the surface of your skin and is open, it forms a blackhead, also referred to as an open comedone. The black-tip appearance of blackheads is due to a reaction between sebum and the air, not because dirt has filled your follicle.
  • Papules. Acne lesions that appear as small pink bumps on your skin and are sometimes tender are called papules.
  • Pustules. Also called a pimple, a pustule is a white or yellow pus-filled papule with a reddened base.
  • Nodules. When an acne lesion develops deep below the surface of your skin, it can harden and form a large, painful nodule.
  • Cysts. Cysts are larger, pus-filled acne lesions that are very painful and can scar the skin.

How can it be Prevented or Treated? 

Although you can't control if you get back acne,  because the main factors are out of your control. You can reduce the chances of developing future back acne lesions by:

  • Avoiding certain medications. Some drugs, including androgens (male hormones) and lithium, are known to increase your chances of developing acne. If you are taking any of these medications, talk with your doctor about possible alternative treatments.
  • Limiting your use of oil-based skin care products. Try not to use moisturizers, cosmetics, sunscreens, and any other oily products on your back, because they can lead to back acne flare-ups. Also, look for products labeled non-comedogenic, meaning that they don’t promote blackheads.
  • Eliminating pressure on your back. If you carry a backpack or wear sports equipment, like shoulder pads, that places pressure on your back, try not wearing it for a while or, alternatively, wear a clean cotton T-shirt under it. Prolonged pressure and friction from these objects on your back can trigger certain types of back acne breakouts, called acne mechanica.

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