Monday, January 22, 2018

The Dangers of Sunbathing.

In the summer months, it is not uncommon for many of us to strip down to our under clothing and expose our bodies to the warmth of the sunlight. Sunbathing is regarded as one of the pleasures in life in summer. While it can bring with it the all important tan, sunbathing can have certain side-effects on individuals as well.
Image result for sunburn

Harmful Effects:

Sunbathing involves exposure of the skin to heat emitted by the sun. Exposure of the skin to this heat for prolonged periods of time can result in excessive sweating and loss of water from within the skin.
Sunbathing can cause a great deal of dehydration, which can result in a damage to the skin with the pass of time. If a person does not keep a good hydration while sunbathing this could cause their blood pressure to drop dramatically enough to cause them to collapse. This known as a heat stroke.


Constant exposure to sunlight can also increase the temperature of the skin resulting in what is commonly called as ‘sunburn’. The damage to the skin depends upon the type of skin the individual has. Some people are more prone to developing sunburns while some tend not to develop it but only have a tan following exposure to sunlight.

Skin Cancer

Cancer of the skin is yet another risk that is associated with prolonged periods of sunbathing. As previously mentioned, the ultraviolet rays in sunlight can damage the skin especially in light-skinned individuals.

The damage of the skin cells requires them to heal adequately after the exposure has concluded.
However, when prolonged exposure occurs, the skin cells can change their morphology and overtime they could become cancerous. In a nutshell, constant sunbathing without adequate protection can cause skin cancer.
Image result for sunburns caused by sunbathing

Premature Aging 

Prolonged exposure to the sun has been known to cause premature aging of the skin. Using sunscreen is always recommended and to also avoid sunbathing between 11 in the morning 3 in the morning.

Protecting the skin

The best way to protect the skin during sunbathing is to wear creams that have a high sun protection factor (SPF). SPFs are designed to prevent damage of the skin by both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays. 
It is recommended that using a cream that has a sun protection factor of at least 15 be used when sunbathing. Application must be generous and must be done at least half an hour prior to sunbathing.
If an individual wishes to have a long sunbathing session, it is important to top up the application from time to time as its effect can wear off fairly quickly.
Image result for sunburns caused by sunbathing

Ways to treat Sunburn

  • Place a cool compress on sunburned skin for immediate sunburn relief. 
  • Take a cool shower or bath to cool your sunburned skin. Check out these natural bath therapies to soothe sunburn pain and other symptoms. 
  • Add one cup of apple cider vinegar to a bath to help balance the pH (acid or alkalinity) of sunburned skin, and promote healing. 
  • Soak in an oatmeal bath. This is especially helpful for itchy sunburned skin. 
  • Add some lavender or chamomile essential oil to the bath to help relieve some of the stinging and pain. 
  • Add 2 cups of baking soda to the bath to help ease irritation and redness from sunburn. 
  • Avoid soap or perfumes in the bath water as these can be drying on already dry and sunburned skin.
Use lotions that contain aloe Vera to soothe and moisturize sunburnt skin. Some aloe products contain lidocaine an anesthetic that can help relieve sunburn pain. Aloe Vera is also a good moisturizer for peeling skin.
 Drink lots of water, juice, or sport drinks. Your skin is dry and dehydrated. Replacing lost body fluids will help your skin heal from sunburn more quickly.

Health and Beauty tips

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