Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Is Vitamin K is good for the Skin?

Never heard or tried Vitamin K? Well heres what you've been missing out on!

Vitamin K is a vitamin found in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. The name vitamin K comes from the German word “Koagulationsvitamin.”

The basic functions of vitamin K are also thought to help certain skin conditions, such as:

stretch marks
spider veins
dark spots
stubborn circles under your eyes

Vitamin K can be found in many different topical creams for the skin, and it can help treat a variety of skin conditions. Doctors frequently use creams that contain vitamin K on patients who have just undergone surgery to help reduce swelling and bruising. This may help speed up skin healing. However, research on vitamin K’s effects on the skin is more limited than that for vitamins E and C.

Vitamin K is also given to treat and prevent vitamin K deficiency, a condition in which the body doesn’t have enough vitamin K. It is also used to prevent and treat weak bones (osteoporosis) and relieve itching that often accompanies a liver disease called biliary cirrhosis

People apply vitamin K to the skin to remove spider veins, bruises, scars, stretch marks, and burns. It is also used topically to treat rosacea, a skin condition that causes redness and pimples on the face. After surgery, vitamin K is used to speed up skin healing and reduce bruising and swelling.

Healthcare providers also give vitamin K by injection to treat blood clotting problems.

Here at Liz Skincare I sometimes apply vitamin (k) to client's suffering with dark circles or uneven skin patches because of how amazing it is.


It helps minimize and heal bruises quickly.

Bruises can be uncomfortable and unsightly, and for those with mature or compromised skin they’re often a fact of life. Most bruising is caused by weakened blood vessels (also known as capillaries) that break and allow blood to pool in your skin. Vitamin K works to strengthen these capillaries so your bruises heal faster and make your skin less prone to bruising in the first place.

Vitamin K is great for post-procedure skin.

Since vitamin K is one of the best ingredients for healing skin, this makes it great to use when your skin is recovering after a cosmetic procedure. When products containing vitamin K are applied topically after fillers, laser treatments and other procedures, they help to prevent swelling and bruising and let you get back to your daily routine faster.

Vitamin K diminishes dark under eye circles.

When paired with other anti-aging actives like retinol and caffeine, vitamin K helps fade dark circles like nothing else can. Dark circles are often caused by the same weakened capillaries responsible for bruising, and vitamin K not only strengthens those capillaries, but also increases circulation and reduces fluid retention in the under eye area for eyes that look rejuvenated, bright and youthful!

It helps calm redness and inflammation.

Vitamin K improves blood circulation, which in turn helps to reduce inflammation and calm redness. Whether your skin is naturally sensitive or it’s exposed to daily irritants like wind, sun or free radicals from the environment, you can add vitamin K to your routine to soothe redness and calm reactive skin.

Health and Beauty tips

Liz Skincare 

2200 SW 16 ST Suite 224 Miami, FL 33145

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