Friday, June 22, 2018

Best at home remedies for detox and purification.

In today's we will be showing you the top 10 best remedies you can practice at home to help detox and purify your body in just a couple of simple easy steps.
We are daily exposed to many toxins throughout the day that can be found in our food, water, envirorment and then there are the toxins that our own body produces. All of these toxins can any substance that could be poisonous or impact our health in a negative manner, some examples are pesticides, food ingredients, metals, chemicals and pollutants.

These can accumulate in our bodies for long periods of time and bring along serious health issues, although there really isn't a way to avoid them, these remedies will help you get rid of them and if done constantly it will also keep you toxin free.
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of the accumulation of toxins in the body are headaches, low grade fever, weakened immunity, fatigue or sluggishness, weight fluctuations, hormonal disruptions, acne, rashes, body odor, bad breath, congestion, sore throat, trouble with digestion, muscle aches, worsening of inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and so on.

Most remedies tend to aim for detoxification assist to flush out toxins from the liver and gallbladder and moreover they help boost your levels of energy, decrease allergies, increase immunity, improve metabolism and combat fatigue as well as maintain clear skin and stimulate circulation. Detoxification can also aid in digestion and facilitate regular bowel movements, improve mental clarity and concentration.

This is the top ten list of the best known home remedies for detoxification.

  • Green Smoothies: 

This is the most common way to detoxify your body. It helps by getting rid of the toxins by at the same time provide your body with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

  • Raw Juices:
Raw fruit and vegetable juices, such as that of apples, carrots, grapefruits, spinach, blueberries, oranges, cucumbers, beets, and lettuce, are highly beneficial for nourishing your body as well as removing harmful toxins. They are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and many other biologically active compounds.

  • Lemons:

Lemon juice works as a powerful detoxifier and alkalizer. It also stimulates the liver’s bile production and boosts mineral intake as well as absorption.
A study published in 2014 showed that a group of individuals that were on a lemon detox diet showed a significant reduction in body fat by restriction of calories in comparison to the normal diet group.

Epsom Salt Bath:

Epsom salt baths increase the magnesium level in the body (as Epsom salts contain magnesium), which is required for detoxifying cells. It also helps detoxify metals from the body. 
It is essential for the functioning of many of the body’s enzymes and boosts immunity. In addition, it also soothes body aches and pains.
Mix one to two cups of Epsom salt in a bathtub filled with warm water.
Soak in it for about 15 minutes.
Do this up to three times per week.

Epsom salt baths are generally not recommended for those suffering from high blood pressure and heart problems.

  • Green Tea:

Rich in antioxidants. It contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant that may help protect the liver from toxic damage. It also helps promote DNA repair and regulates inflammation.
Recommendations are to take two or three cups daily, and also you can take an green tea extract supplements.

  • Oil Pulling:
This simple therapy works like a great natural detox for the deep tissues in the body by eliminating bacteria and toxins from the mouth. This method helps fight toothaches, bad breath and gum disease due to the antimicrobial effects of the oil used, as well as strengthens the teeth, gums and jaw. It is believed that this old traditional technique also provides relief from headaches, constipation, candida infections, congestions, cold sores and joint pains.
This must be done first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach before even brushing your teeth.

Dandelion Root:

Dandelion root tea aids in detoxification due to its liver-detoxifying and diuretic properties. Plus, it promotes cleansing of the kidneys and bladder and relieves issues like water retention, upset stomach, constipation, and improves the flow of bile. Also, it contains nutrients like iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamins B and C, which help mineral absorption and reduce inflammation; but if you have gallstones or gallbladder problems please consult your doctor before.

  • Licorice Root

Licorice root tea works as a good detox drink to cleanse the body of chemical contaminants. It will help cut sugar cravings as sugar tends to impede detox efforts.
Plus, it has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-allergic, immune-boosting, and soothing properties. Do not take licorice root in excess as it may cause unwanted side effects like increased blood pressure and sodium retention.
Do not drink more than 1 cup per day if you currently have elevated blood pressure. 

  • Stinging Nettles:

Stinging nettles are excellent for detoxifying the blood. The herb also works as a natural diuretic, encourages the elimination of inflammatory wastes, and stimulates the lymphatic system.
It is packed with vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, along with potassium, magnesium, iron, and chlorophyll.
  1. Boil one cup of water and put one teaspoon of dried nettle leaves in it.
  2. Cover and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Drink this tea two or three times daily.

  • Turmeric:

Turmeric is well-known for its medicinal and healing properties. It also detoxifies your liver, purifies the blood, and is beneficial for lung and colon health too. Plus, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancerous properties.
  1. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder, juice from one lemon, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and a little honey (to taste) to one cup of warm water. Drink this once daily for a few days or weeks.
"Some herbs and detox remedies may not be suitable for pregnant or nursing mothers, or people who are struggling with chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes, thyroid disorder, tuberculosis or cancer".

Stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, refined sugars, and saturated fats to reduce toxin load. Plus, keep stress at bay by practicing yoga, meditation, and deep breathing for your overall well-being.

  • Resources:
  • Lampe JW. Health effects of vegetables and fruit: assessing mechanisms of action in human experimental studies.
  • Effects of the lemon detox program on body fat reduction and detoxification in Korean overweight women (LB354) | The FASEB Journal.
  • Okello EJ, McDougall GJ, Kumar S, Seal CJ. In vitro protective effects of colon-available extract of Camellia sinensis (tea) against hydrogen peroxide and beta-amyloid (Aβ(1–42)) induced cytotoxicity in differentiated PC12 cells. Phytomedicine. 2011;18(8-9):691-696. doi:10.1016/J.PHYMED.2010.11.004.
  • Singh A, Purohit B. Tooth brushing, oil pulling and tissue regeneration: A review of holistic approaches to oral health. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2011;2(2):64-68. doi:10.4103/0975-9476.82525.

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