Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Here is why you should get facials every month.

A good daily skin care routine is essential for maintaining a healthy looking, fresh skin, but every once in a while we need to leave it to the professionals and get a facial treatment at a beauty salon or a spa. More precisely, you should get one once a month or every 6 weeks. By making it a habit of scheduling a regular appointment in spa centers. 

A facial is a multi-step, multi-purpose skin treatment including steam, face masks, exfoliation, cleansing, a face massage and a variety of creams and lotions. There are many types of facial treatments, and choosing the one you need depends on your skin type and skin issues. Some are highly moisturizing, others are firming and restoring, while some focus on problem areas and certain skin conditions.

No matter the type, all facials have some amazing benefits for your skin:

Deep Cleansing:

  •  A better, deeper cleanse than the one you do at home – a cleansing facial will help your skin get rid of oil buildup, toxins and dirt from your everyday environment, thoroughly removing all the bacteria that could cause skin issues. A good exfoliation like microdermabrasion will remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and unclog your pores, allowing the absorption of other products. This will also make your skin look and feel softer and smoother, making your makeup blend easier and look better.

Extraction, if needed, is great for removing blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and preventing breakouts. This is a must – do step for everyone struggling with acne because it clears out the skin and gives it a purifying effect.

Anti-Aging Facial treatments:

  •  Can help slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Massaging your face with an anti-aging cream will immediately increase the blood circulation and oxygen flow, which promotes collagen production and enhances the elasticity of your skin. This leads to a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and preventing their appearance. Remember: It’s never too early to take good care of your skin! 

Relaxing Massages:

  •  Are so good for relaxing, relieving stress and balancing your mind. Just like your body, your face muscles need a massage and most facial treatments include one. The boost in circulation you’ll get will stimulate the lymphatic vessels and detoxify your skin, making it look healthy and youthful. The nice smell of face masks is only another incredible addition to a soothing, relaxing experience. 

Skin Rejuvenation:

  • The exfoliation, extraction, massage, steam and mask application during a facial treatment lead to skin rejuvenation, or in other words – a fresh, renewed skin. This improves the appearance of the skin, giving it a healthy, radiant glow and balanced complexion. You might not see the results instantly, but on the long run, your skin is going to get restored! So keep in mind that being regular and consistent with your facials is a key. 

Improved Skin Care Routine:

  •  A good aesthetician will analyze your skin condition and help you choose the best facial treatment for your skin type. You can pick up some good advice by a professional, talk about your daily skin care routine and get recommendations on which products would work best for your skin. This is important because you can use these tips to prevent further issues and keep your skin in good condition.

  • The specialist will diagnose your skin disorders, if there are any, and alert you of changes in moles or suspicious spots if noticed, that could be a sign of a more serious skin problem and require the attention of a medical professional.

Treating A Variety Of Skin Issues.

  • After being diagnosed with a skin condition, getting a regular facial treatment will help treat it and heal your skin. Issues like blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, sunspots and sun damage, acne, inflammation and redness, rosacea, dehydration, wrinkles, acne scarring, loss of firmness and elasticity can be minimized or completely treated with the right facial treatment.

Health and Beauty tips
2200 SW 16 ST Suite 224 Miami, FL 33145
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